



雷蒙德一. 丰富的研究所 for 领导 Development

Largest Gift in Marist 历史 Establishes 领导 Institute

据保守估计,20世纪最重要的商人和实业家之一的遗赠金额为7500万美元。这笔遗赠将用于一个新项目的发展,以教育和培训个人在商业生涯中的领导艺术, 政府, 非营利部门.

雷蒙德一. 里奇给玛丽斯特留下了一处60英亩的滨河地产,位于阿尔斯特郡的伊索普斯镇,其中包括哈德逊河谷最具历史和建筑意义的住宅之一. “佩恩大厦”," also known over the years as "Omega" and "Wiltwick,是42,000平方英尺的Beaux arts风格的宫殿由曼哈顿著名的carr和黑斯廷斯公司设计, architects of the 纽约 Public 图书馆 and the Frick Museum. It was built in 1911 by Colonel Oliver Hazard 佩恩, 内战时期的一位上校(晋升为准将),他创立了一家炼油厂,后来被约翰. 洛克菲勒's Standard Oil Co., where 佩恩 went on to serve as treasurer. 罗伯特A的公司.M. 斯特恩, dean of the Yale School of Architecture, whose firm designed Marist's Hancock Center, 相信如此重要和风格的住宅的重置价值保守估计约为6500万美元.

此外,Mr。. 里奇已经指定了大约1000万美元的捐赠基金来支持雷蒙德A. 里奇领导力发展研究所,将设在Esopus庄园.

雷蒙德A. 丰富的研究所 will focus on developing the communication, 人际关系, 以及在全球环境下领导复杂组织所必需的社交技能. 它将在一个强调成功领导者的价值观和正直的框架中实现这一目标. 演讲者, 会议, 讲习班将鼓励潜在的领导者通过考虑和说服来更好地激励他人, and to foster dedication to a better social and economic environment.

几年前,当雷第一次开始考虑在他的庄园里留下领导力培训遗产时, he wanted it to have a special niche, focused on people's perceptions - voice, 肢体语言, 演讲, 等. as an integral part of expressing integrity, 灵敏度, 的关系, 第一印象, 持久的信赖, 尊重他人,克莱尔·卡尔森说, Mr. 丰富的's long-time companion and confidante and the executrix of the estate.

1986年,他从bet亚洲365欢迎投注兄弟(Marist Brothers)手中购买了佩恩大厦(佩恩 Mansion). 里奇和夫人. 卡尔森 were introduced to bet亚洲365欢迎投注 President Dennis J. 穆雷. 没过多久,雷就意识到丹尼斯和bet亚洲365欢迎投注是他点燃个人领导理念的理想渠道. 雷相信道德, 值, 谦逊和体贴必须是领导力培训中固有的基本要素. 圣母学院的课程中有伦理学和哲学作为必修课. Not many colleges do," said Ms. 卡尔森.

Mr. 丰富的 was an avid reader of business news, which, Ms. 卡尔森说, ,凸显了我们的领导人在这些努力方面是多么的缺乏, 他们是政府吗?, 企业, 或非营利组织.

他意识到丹尼斯·穆雷在过去的30年里,以强调道德的方式,使圣母学院成为当今世界的基石, opportunities for first-generation students, and razor-edge information technology programs. 雷感觉到,bet亚洲365欢迎投注董事会也强烈支持把这所大学变成一种特殊的教育体验.

“结果是,”她说. 卡尔森, “雷决定, based on a business leader's analysis, 他的理念非常适合玛丽斯特学院,于是他没有再去寻找."

“雷·里奇不仅为建立组织感到自豪,而且为这些组织创造的成千上万的就业机会和经济繁荣感到自豪," said Marist's President 穆雷. “他曾经告诉过我, 'The key to being a successful CEO is to hire great people, be humble in managing them, and always operate with integrity. It's not only the right thing to do, but it's also good business.' If the business leaders of today had followed his advice, I doubt our country would be in its current economic turmoil."

雷蒙德A. 里奇学院符合玛丽斯特的三个压倒一切的理想:卓越的教育, 致力于服务, and fostering a sense of community,罗伯特R说。. Dyson, chair of the Marist board of trustees. "The Marist board of trustees enthusiastically accepts Mr. 里奇非常慷慨的礼物,董事会和大学社区对他的礼物和他一生中提供的领导表示感谢."

雷蒙德一. 丰富的

雷蒙德一照片. 丰富的 雷蒙德一. 1912年,里奇出生于加州洛杉矶,是亚瑟·贝克·里奇和露西·贝克·里奇的儿子. He was raised in Des Moines, 爱荷华州, 18岁时,他在一艘不定期货船的引擎室工作,开始了他的职业生涯. After receiving a double engineering degree from 爱荷华州 State University, he was hired in the midst of the Great Depression by General Electric Co. and became its youngest national sales manager at that time. 他被授予罕见的“E奖”,以监督通用电气的多个战争生产工厂设施.

Mr. 里奇随后被要求领导联邦东北地区的经济发展委员会. He volunteered for active duty in World War II in the Navy and Marines, 日本投降后,他在南太平洋群岛和东京服役. He received numerous decorations for his distinguished service. 战后,奥巴马先生. 丰富的 became vice president and director of Philco Corp. and then accepted the presidency and directorship of Avco Corp. From there his career escalated, and he went on to hold multiple, simultaneous CEO and chairman positions in numerous companies. The sectors ranged from oil and gas exploration and production, 出版, 玻璃容器, and banking to environmental engineering and production facilities. 他领导着你.S. 过滤集团. 作为董事长兼首席执行官,他在该领域发挥了重要作用,在20世纪70年代将收入增加了20倍.

Upon retiring from active 企业 life, Mr. 丰富的 focused on acquiring various real estate properties. In addition to his primary residence in Boca Grande, 佛罗里达, 以及他在Esopus的地产, 他一生中在亚利桑那州和俄克拉何马州拥有不同时期的养牛场, corn and soybean farms in 爱荷华州, townhouses in 纽约 City, 缅因州的家, a castle in the Scottish Highlands, a 12th-century castle in Austria, 在法国还有一座城堡. Mr. 丰富的是大学俱乐部60多年的成员,也是联合俱乐部的成员, 都在纽约市, as well as the Boca Grande Club and Gasparilla Inn Club of 佛罗里达.

Colonel Oliver Hazard 佩恩 and the 佩恩 Estate

Colonel Oliver Hazard 佩恩 was born in 1839 and named for the great U.S. Naval hero Oliver Hazard Perry. Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, he was a primary school classmate of John D. 洛克菲勒. A graduate of Yale University, where he was a classmate of William C. 惠特尼, 1862年,佩恩作为中尉加入了俄亥俄州第124步兵团,并在内战期间服役. After being promoted to Colonel, 他被授予志愿军准将军衔,以表彰他在战争期间的功绩. 佩恩上校的妹妹, 植物区系, 惠特尼结婚, 还有他们的一个儿子, 哈利·佩恩·惠特尼, married Gertrude Vanderbilt.

战后, 佩恩上校对克利夫兰的炼铁和炼油产生了兴趣, 创始人克拉克, 佩恩 & Co. In 1872, his company was purchased by John D. 而佩恩上校则继续担任标准石油公司的财务主管. and to become one of the richest men in America. In 1998, 美国传统杂志将佩恩列为“有史以来最富有的40位美国人”的第26位."

In 1905, Colonel 佩恩 purchased the estate of John Jacob Astor in Esopus, 纽约, 并监督建造了一座由carr和黑斯廷斯设计的豪宅, 纽约公共图书馆和曼哈顿弗里克博物馆的建筑师. 佩恩让人按照他在意大利海岸看到的那种风格建造了这座宫殿.

At the time of his death in 1917, 佩恩上校是一位著名的慈善家,也是美国最好的游艇手之一. 他从未结过婚,把Esopus的财产留给了他的侄子Harry 佩恩 Bingham. 1933年,宾厄姆将Esopus庄园捐赠给了纽约圣公会教区. 从1937年到1966年, the site served as the Wiltwyck School for Boys, 这是一个著名的问题儿童之家,第一夫人埃莉诺·罗斯福对此非常感兴趣.

In 1942, the Wiltwyck School became non-sectarian and the property was divided, with a portion sold to the Marist Brothers, the founders of bet亚洲365欢迎投注. 直到1986年, the Brothers' portion of the estate, including the 佩恩 Mansion, was used as a school and retreat house. Mr. 丰富的 purchased the mansion, 船库, 并于1986年从兄弟那里获得了60英亩的土地,并将庄园和船屋恢复了昔日的辉煌.