
与博士的办公时间. Catherine Gunther Kodat,教务长兼院长

Michelle Eggink,内容营销助理总监 & 通信
Dr. 柯达在她汉考克的办公室里. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Office Hours is a recurring segment where the Inside Marist team sparks conversations with key members of the campus community. 了解更多有关学院的内部运作, 获得新的视角, and celebrate the invaluable contributions of those who make Marist the vibrant community that it is.

In this segment, Inside Marist’s Michelle Eggink interviews Provost and Dean of 教师, Dr. 凯瑟琳(“凯蒂”)冈瑟·柯达. Dr. 柯达在全国各地的大学都扮演着举足轻重的角色, 担任教务长和院长, and a Professor of English and American Studies among other key leadership positions. 拥有丰富的学术经验. Kodat is known for her commitment to diversity initiatives and academic excellence.

博士图像. Kodat

Dr. 柯达在她办公室的书架前. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.


A A provost is a chief academic officer, relating 到一个ll academic affairs.

Probably the most exciting part about my position is working with the incredible faculty at Marist. 当我们想到 bet亚洲365欢迎投注100 还有学术上的活力, my job is to support the faculty and make sure that they are being given the resources, time, 以及教学经费, 进行研究, 培养专业技能, 并展示他们的作品,这样他们就可以成长为学者, 临床医生, 专业人士, 和艺术家. 他们的成长促进了学生的成功, as faculty innovation in curricular design and pedagogical approaches expands to include more active, experiential learning in existing fields—and the exploration of new fields and academic programming.

问:作为一个研究20世纪文学和美国研究的学者, 你写了两本书:《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》, 《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》. Who are some of your favorite authors, and what advice do you have for young writers?

马克吐温, 托妮·莫里森, 卓拉·尼尔·赫斯顿, 还有威廉·福克纳,这只是一长串名单中的几位. Reading Faulkner and Morrison together made me realize that I really cared about how 20th century authors were grappling with issues of race, 是什么导致了我的论文工作.

My advice to young writers would be to work on finding your sense of voice. 大多数作家都是从他们最喜欢的作家的风格开始写作的. 要找到你的正直是需要时间的, 对自己的写作充满信心, 并且能够清楚而有说服力地说出你想要的. 追随你的兴趣,坚持下去,直到找到自己的声音.

Q You have a unique educational background first as a piano major at The Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University then as an English major at the University of Baltimore before pursuing your Ph.D. What were some of your own challenges and triumphs as an undergraduate student?

作为一名学生, I had to take a year off between my first and second year at the 音乐 conservatory to work full-time 到一个fford college. I supported my education through working as a waitress, financial aid, and loans. It didn't take me long to figure out that working full-time and my desire to pursue other interests would not allow for those long hours of piano practice. 坐在一个地方不适合我.

I vividly remember playing in front of a jury of piano faculty at school at the end of my sophomore year and failing because of a terrible case of performance nerves. 古典音乐家的生活对某些人来说是美好的, 不适合我,所以我转学去读英语和新闻.

I got a job in the circulation department at the Baltimore Sun as a senior and worked my way up in the newsroom. My piano training helped me become a sought-after typist during a presidential election year because of my typing speed and accuracy.


Great 音乐 brings a physical sensation, a chill, and an overtaking of the heart and body. 我喜欢各种各样的音乐,但古典音乐的瞬间最让我感动.

舞蹈更多的是一种视觉上的享受,可以看到不同的形状形成. 我曾经是一名舞蹈评论家,也上过成人芭蕾课. I do more yoga now than dance but find zen in the routine and flow of both.


I met my husband in adult ballet dance class and didn’t find out until after we were dating he was the last Baltimore Colts Mascot (the team left Baltimore after the 1983 season). 他对工作的热情让我迷上了吉祥物. I once suited up as Frankie the Fox to give an incoming student their acceptance letter and had a blast.

问:你在很多地方生活和工作过,比如佛罗里达, 麻萨诸塞州, 俄勒冈州, 威斯康辛州, 宾西法尼亚, 马里兰, 和纽约. What’s been your favorite and what do you like about living in the Hudson Valley now?

My family moved around a lot because my dad worked for the federal government. I’m the oldest of five and just about all of us were born in different states. We ended up sort of settling in upstate New York so the area feels the most familiar. 另外,我的三个孩子现在都住在纽约市,这很好.

While I like a different thing about every one of the places I’ve lived I’d say the east coast is my favorite. 纽约的风景很有特色, 无论是卡茨基尔山脉还是阿迪朗达克山脉, 那对我来说就是家的感觉.

博士图像. 柯达在毕业典礼上

Dr. 柯达在毕业典礼和火星100号发射会上的演讲. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.


A 我当时正在休假,但很期待回到东部. 这就是search顾问, 又碰巧是你的老朋友, 建议我去看看bet亚洲365欢迎投注和他们的新总统.

我被迷住了 温曼总统就职演说, 尤其是他对“AND而不是OR”的强调,” where students don't need to choose between a liberal arts college and a pre-professional college education. 我心想, “是的, that is what higher education needs more of and that's what I want to be a part of.” A college student who for example enjoys playing the clarinet should also be able to pursue their passion for computer science, 满足他们所有的教育兴趣. 在bet亚洲365欢迎投注发生的事真的是全国的典范.

博士图像. 柯达在戴森中心建筑工地.

Dr. Kodat signs a beam during the construction of the new 戴森中心 alongside members of the Marist administration. 图片来源:Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.


A 我对新事物感到非常兴奋 戴森中心 所有这些都将提供给来自 萨克斯比斯学生经营的咖啡馆 到一个 模拟法庭和新的投资中心. I'm discussing the next big academic building project, with the master planning about to kick off. 沿着这条线, 我也喜欢从事艺术工作, 令人振奋的舞蹈, 音乐, and performing arts alongside our incredible fashion and art and design programs. I’m also working with others on the faculty handbook to fill in gaps for best practices and foster more guidance for faculty.
